Homeschool Classes
Homeschool classes are offered from September to May during school hours. Upbeat Gymnastics is not a provider for, or affiliated with, any specific group or program, so you will be responsible for your own receipts and reimbursements. Receipts can be printed through our parent portal, or contact our front desk for assistance. Please contact us if you have questions!

Homeschool Gymnastics
Ages 5-12
All of our gymnastic classes include the bars, beam, floor and Tumble Trak. Among many other skills, your child will learn cartwheels, splits, round-offs, mounts and dismounts, and casting off of the uneven bars. They will learn walks, mounts and dismounts on the beam along with turns and jumps.
These classes are 55 minutes long. They are divided into two age groups: Ages 5-8 and ages 9-12.
*We reserve the right to make changes or combine classes at our discretion. Note that Tuition is based on a 4 week month. Please understand that the Tuition Charge may change due to Holidays, Gym Closure’s and 5 Gym Days in a month.

Homeschool Ninja
Ages 5-12
Children ages 5-12 learn a combination of flips, rolls, jumps, and kicks. Strength and agility are tested through obstacle courses and various training techniques. A progressive level system evaluates and advances children in their skill and knowledge of core values as described in the NinjaZone creed. Children advance and learn at their own pace. The levels of NinjaZone are defined by the headband colors of White, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.
These classes are 55 minutes long. They are divided into two age groups: Ages 5-8 and ages 9-12.
* We reserve the right to make changes or combine classes at our discretion. Note that Tuition is based on a 4 week month. Please understand that the Tuition Charge may change due to Holidays, Gym Closure’s and 5 Gym Days in a month.